Thursday, May 28, 2015

Grape & Toothpick Art

This is a super fun, easy, AND healthy activity to do with your kids. All you need is toothpicks, grapes, and parental supervision. You'll have fun building sculptures and eating them afterwards. For more information, visit

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Nutrition Tips for Children

How to help your child receive the nutrition they need!

What Nutrition Does My Child Need?
Strive to provide a wide variety of nutrients!

  • Toddlers should receive 1,000-1,400 calories a day.
  • The chart below gives general advice - when there is a range in the amount the higher amount is for older or more physically active children.
  • However follow your child's cues on whether or not he/she is truly satisfied and receiving all they need.
Picky Eater?
*Remember usually after the first birthday there is a drop in appetite. This is normal - their growth has slowed and they do not need as much food.

**Remember do NOT take it personally if your child rejects your food - or they may desire their favorite meal for three days and then reject it the next.

Helpful Ideas
1. If he/she rejects everything, try saving it for later.
2. Avoid cookies or sweets, especially after they have refused a meal. They are not healthy or beneficial (high in calories but low in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals).
3. Cut food into fun shapes.
4. Have multiple colorful foods displayed on the plate.
5. Present your child with a choice of nutritional foods - this allows them to choose what they want and helps to eliminate power struggles.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Easy BUBBLES Recipe!

This is a super fun idea just in time for summer! It's simple, cheap, and fun for all the kiddos!

Here's the recipe to make your bubbles:
- 2 1/2 cups water
- 1/2 cup light corn syrup
- 1/2 cup liquid dish soap

1. Mix water and light corn syrup in a bowl
2. Microwave for 4 minutes
3. Gently mix in liquid dish soap

Re-use the bubble wands from old bubble containers and yogurt cups and you should be set!

Thanks to La-La's Home Daycare for this fun DIY activity.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Are you using positive or negative language?
Positive language motivates rather than discourages. Positive language can be used in all aspects of our lives as a parent, spouse, employer, or leader.
Below are scenarios of a parent trying to communicate with their child about a chore that needs to get done, but with two very different approaches. One is full of negative language and sounds like a command, while the other one communicates a message in a positive way.
1- “If you don’t clean your room, you won’t get to play with your friend.”
2-“You are welcome to play with your friend, when your room is clean.”
The way we interact with our children matters. Often times without realizing it, the delivery of a parent’s message can result in a child’s bad attitude. Ultimately the parent wants the child to listen and comply with a good attitude, yet the parent may not understand that the delivery of their message can set the tone for the child’s attitude. It just takes some simple changes to deliver the same message in a more positive way that builds relationships, rather than hindering them.
Young children (around ages 2-3 yrs old) tend to get “stuck” on the negative words. They focus on what the parent just stated they couldn’t do or couldn’t have. Though the parent had good intentions to tell the child how to get what they wanted, the delivery of the message just confused the child and added anxiety.
Here’s a quick tip:
Whenever you hear yourself stating, “If you don’t…, then you won’t….” Quickly change your words to what the child would want to hear first. “You are welcome to…, when…”
More Examples:
1-Negative: “No! Don’t do that!”
2-Positive: “Ahh, ahh, ahh. All done.”
1-Negative: “Don’t run!”
2-Positive: “Use walking feet.”
1-Negative: “Don’t hit your brother!”
2-Positive: “Ahh, ahh. Hands to self.”
1-Negative: “If you don’t do your homework, you can’t ______________!” (something the child would want to do)
2-Positive: “When your homework is complete you are welcome to _____________.” (list whatever the child is motivated by)
1-Negative: “If you don’t eat your dinner, you won’t get to go outside and play.”
2-Postivie: “You are welcome to go outside and play, when you’ve finished your dinner.”

For more information and helpful tips, visit