Child Development

Friendship and Social Interaction Among Children

Many adults may not associate babies as being friendly but in fact, peer 
relationships in infancy are evident in the small interactions babies have with
adults and one another. Below is a table of infant behavior, corresponding with
an age range, that shows peer relationships in infancy.  
As a child gets older they will develop attributes and behaviors that appear more
"friendly" to us as adults. Things like playing together, missing one another, talking
to each other and sharing or giving to another. Developing friendships and peer
 relationships are important to your child's long term development. There is a 
difference between peer relationships and friendship though. In peer 
relationships children come together for common activities but in friendships
a child will choose to be with one specific friend outside of these group activities.
 Friendship offers countless benefits for and children and supports the 
development of pro-social skills such as cooperation and altruism (selflessness).

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