Monday, July 27, 2015

10 Ways to Help Children Learn to Spell Their Names

Play to Learn Preschool has provided 10 fun and creative ways to help children learn to spell their names. From letter beads to name puzzles, here are just a few of our favorites! 

Add letters to colored beads to use this effective and creative method. 

A cheap, yet effective way to get kids to piece their name together. 

Print each child's name onto a dinosaur shape using cardstock or foam. For younger children, add their photo. Children can match clothespins to each letter on the dinosaur. 

For more information, click here.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Summer Activity Jars

We're halfway through the summer but there is still time to do some fun activities with your kids and family. Thanks to The Crafting Chicks, here is a fun way to choose what to do for the rest of your summer.

Get 3 mason jars and label them "Activities & Games", "Let's Eat!", and "Oh, the Places We'll Go!"

- "Activities & Games" = Fun things to do such as jump on the trampoline, play freeze tag, go on a scavenger hunt or make giant bubbles.
- "Let's Eat!" = Ideas for delicious treats or anything having to do with food! Cupcakes, fruit kebabs or a fondue party are some ideas.
- "Oh, the Places We'll Go!" = Going out to local parks, museums, or hikes.

For more details and ideas, click here.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

How To Make Galaxy Slime

Thanks to Two-Daloo, you can make galaxy slime at home with your kids. Here's what you need:

  • 1 bottle of Elmer's Clear School Glue (5 oz)
  • 1/2-3/4  cup Sta-Flo Liquid Starch 
  • Liquid watercolors (several squirts until you get the desired color)
  • Fine glitter in a variety of colors
Mix the glue, watercolors, and glitter first, then slowly add in the starch. You'll need to use your hands to knead the slime once after you have added all of the starch. You can stop kneading once you've reached the desired consistency. 

For more details and information visit

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

7 Things You Should Never Tell Your Child

  • Michele Coronetti shares 7 things you should never tell your child-- Every parent hopes for the best for their children. Although, occasionally parents are less careful than they should be when it comes to using unkind words.
    Over the decades, childraising skills have been examined and reformed. As a result, a slow and sometimes-negative progress has emerged. Controversies have constantly arisen on the subject of how to teach and raise children.
    Unfortunately, the vision of child raising tends to change once a parent’s child grows out of her toddler years. Parents often perceive that, had they reacted differently in those moments, they would have felt more successful as a parent.
    Here are a few tips:
  • 1. Do not lie

    No one likes to convince a child to do something tedious, like taking medicine or studying for a test. Telling them things such as “It won’t hurt,” or other similar lies should not be told to children or teenagers. Remember that you are an example and a model to your children. If you tell lies, they, too, will start to lie.
  • 2. Do not always tell them “yes.”

    Any responsible man or woman wants what is best for those they care for. Love, however, is not measured in things but rather through limits placed and attention given. However, do not stifle your child’s creativity by abusing the word “no.” Balance and fairness are key.
  • 3. Do not label your children

    Just as a sponge sucks up all the water around it, so do children absorb every word you say. He will grow to believe that he really is stupid, obnoxious, fat, ugly or whatever else you tell him. Nobody is perfect.
  • 4. Do not compare

    Your child is already trying to acquire only a little of your attention every day. When you compare, using phrases such as, “Your brother is better than you,” “Your friend does this well. Why don’t you?” “Why aren’t you more like Susie, over there?” your children’s egos are damaged. When this happens, low self-esteem and rebellion take root in the souls of just about anyone. This is not only true with children, but teenagers and adults, as well.
  • 5. Do not criticize

    As bad as the picture is, albeit an imperfect circle with four or five messy lines jutting out of it, praise their disposition, creativity, incentive and show it to others with pride. Comment on their victories and avoid condemning their study, work, appearance, friends or choices.
  • 6. Do not say things you do not like to hear

    This includes swearing, off-color humor, severe scolding, talking bad about others, complaining about everything or anything else that you find downgrading or despicable. There is a saying, “What comes out of your mouth is so loud, that what you say cannot be heard.”
  • 7. Do not place blame

    The life of father or mother is not perfect. It, often, leaves us so stressed that we end up passing on the feeling of guilt to our children. If the house is a mess, your child is probably the one responsible and you handle the situation without direct or indirect accusations. Harmony will reign in your home, and your future will be even brighter.
    There is an endless amount of things not to be spoken in a home, but there are even more things that should be said. And remember, the most important thing to do, above all is to love your children. With love, the things you say will be naturally more inspiring.
    Translated and adapted by David Hall from the original article “7 coisas que vocĂȘ nunca deve dizer aos filhos” by Michele Coronetti

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Grape & Toothpick Art

This is a super fun, easy, AND healthy activity to do with your kids. All you need is toothpicks, grapes, and parental supervision. You'll have fun building sculptures and eating them afterwards. For more information, visit

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Nutrition Tips for Children

How to help your child receive the nutrition they need!

What Nutrition Does My Child Need?
Strive to provide a wide variety of nutrients!

  • Toddlers should receive 1,000-1,400 calories a day.
  • The chart below gives general advice - when there is a range in the amount the higher amount is for older or more physically active children.
  • However follow your child's cues on whether or not he/she is truly satisfied and receiving all they need.
Picky Eater?
*Remember usually after the first birthday there is a drop in appetite. This is normal - their growth has slowed and they do not need as much food.

**Remember do NOT take it personally if your child rejects your food - or they may desire their favorite meal for three days and then reject it the next.

Helpful Ideas
1. If he/she rejects everything, try saving it for later.
2. Avoid cookies or sweets, especially after they have refused a meal. They are not healthy or beneficial (high in calories but low in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals).
3. Cut food into fun shapes.
4. Have multiple colorful foods displayed on the plate.
5. Present your child with a choice of nutritional foods - this allows them to choose what they want and helps to eliminate power struggles.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Easy BUBBLES Recipe!

This is a super fun idea just in time for summer! It's simple, cheap, and fun for all the kiddos!

Here's the recipe to make your bubbles:
- 2 1/2 cups water
- 1/2 cup light corn syrup
- 1/2 cup liquid dish soap

1. Mix water and light corn syrup in a bowl
2. Microwave for 4 minutes
3. Gently mix in liquid dish soap

Re-use the bubble wands from old bubble containers and yogurt cups and you should be set!

Thanks to La-La's Home Daycare for this fun DIY activity.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Are you using positive or negative language?
Positive language motivates rather than discourages. Positive language can be used in all aspects of our lives as a parent, spouse, employer, or leader.
Below are scenarios of a parent trying to communicate with their child about a chore that needs to get done, but with two very different approaches. One is full of negative language and sounds like a command, while the other one communicates a message in a positive way.
1- “If you don’t clean your room, you won’t get to play with your friend.”
2-“You are welcome to play with your friend, when your room is clean.”
The way we interact with our children matters. Often times without realizing it, the delivery of a parent’s message can result in a child’s bad attitude. Ultimately the parent wants the child to listen and comply with a good attitude, yet the parent may not understand that the delivery of their message can set the tone for the child’s attitude. It just takes some simple changes to deliver the same message in a more positive way that builds relationships, rather than hindering them.
Young children (around ages 2-3 yrs old) tend to get “stuck” on the negative words. They focus on what the parent just stated they couldn’t do or couldn’t have. Though the parent had good intentions to tell the child how to get what they wanted, the delivery of the message just confused the child and added anxiety.
Here’s a quick tip:
Whenever you hear yourself stating, “If you don’t…, then you won’t….” Quickly change your words to what the child would want to hear first. “You are welcome to…, when…”
More Examples:
1-Negative: “No! Don’t do that!”
2-Positive: “Ahh, ahh, ahh. All done.”
1-Negative: “Don’t run!”
2-Positive: “Use walking feet.”
1-Negative: “Don’t hit your brother!”
2-Positive: “Ahh, ahh. Hands to self.”
1-Negative: “If you don’t do your homework, you can’t ______________!” (something the child would want to do)
2-Positive: “When your homework is complete you are welcome to _____________.” (list whatever the child is motivated by)
1-Negative: “If you don’t eat your dinner, you won’t get to go outside and play.”
2-Postivie: “You are welcome to go outside and play, when you’ve finished your dinner.”

For more information and helpful tips, visit 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

From a Mom's Perspective.........

Trucks on ivory keys during piano practice, chalk murals of different worlds grouped together, fairy garden homes complete with dinosaur lairs...I love watching my kids compromise in playing with each other.  It's more important to play together than to have their own way.  Of course they also have narcissistic moments but it's truly majestic beauty watching them harmonize their creative worlds.  I guess that is something we as adults should consider while we are parenting.  

submitted by guest blogger Stacey Starley

Monday, April 13, 2015

5 Steps to Problem Solving with Your Child

1. Cool Down:

  • It is important to take a minute to breath and relax before addressing the issue: 
    • Help your child take some deep breaths. If he/she is overly upset encourage them to clench their hands (or other muscles) and then release them. Repeat these steps multiple times to allow the body to calm down. 
  • Assess who was involved and include all individuals in the problem solving process.
2. Identify
  • Allow your child to identify the problem and to explain what happened. 
    • This helps develop autonomy and self-awareness.
3. Brainstorm:
  • Have the child come up with the solutions
  • Talk about the suggestions they make and help guide them in finding an appropriate solution. 
4. Go For It:
  • Decided on a solution together.
  • Try out the solution.
    • This helps give them experience and understanding
5. Follow Up:
  • Encourage your child in trying the solution.
    • For example: giving an apology, demonstrating a more desirable behavior, etc.
  • Guide them in their efforts so they can achieve success. 
***Remember: Your child is still learning. Be sure to set appropriate expectation. If the same issue arises again, remember to be patient. Children learn from the example that you set. Try out a different solution and stating expectations in a clear manner.***

Monday, March 30, 2015

Tips to communicate with your 2-3 year olds

Thanks to, we have some helpful tips to aid you when communicating with your 2-3 year olds. 

1. Settle feelings
2. Avoid a harsh or yelling voice
3. Speak eye to eye
4. Keep it short and sweet
5. Try to avoid negative statements
6. No if's
7. Give them choices
8. Help them to vocalize
9. Follow through
10. Pick your battles
11. Don't be afraid to apologize

For more information and tips, click here.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Helpful Job Charts has come up with a super fun and easy way to get children to do their chores around the house. Click here to get the full instructions! 

Restaurant Kit

We know the kiddos can be a challeng when we take them out to restaurants. Thanks to Angela at Blue I Style, here is a great way to make a restaurant kit. From coloring pages to wet wipes, this is a must have for any parent. Click here for the full list. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Importance of a Routine for Young Children

7 Benefits of Routines

1. Eliminates power struggles: You aren’t bossing the child around. Children learn that the particular activity is what you do at that time of day.
2. Helps children cooperate: reduces stress and anxiety because they get accustomed to transitions.

3.  Helps children learn to take control of their own activities:  Over time, children will learn to brush their teeth, pack backpacks, and get dressed, without constant reminders.  They love feeling in control and being as independent as possible. This feeling increases their level of autonomy, sense of mastery, and competence.
4. Children learn the concept of "looking forward": For example: your child may want to go to the playground now, but can learn that we always go to the playground in the afternoon and can look forward to it then.
5. Regular routines help children get on a schedule: helps them fall asleep faster and feel secure.
6. Routines help parents build in precious connection moments: Don’t simply push through the routine, take time to truly engage with your child. Some examples: create a fun way to greet your child – give them a big squeeze or “there’s those pretty blue eyes!” etc. Take time to talk with your child, help them with transitions, or simply teach. Example: after a bath- "Let's dry your toes...your calf...your knee...your belly... etc."
7. Schedules help parents maintain consistency in expectations: If everything is a fight, parents end up settling: more TV, skip brushing teeth for tonight, etc.  With a routine, parents are more likely to maintain healthy expectations for everyone.

Tips to Start
- Make it fun, and give incentives for the children.
-  Remember to empathize with their feelings, but also reinforce your limit: "I know you don't want to brush your teeth and get ready for bed. You were having so much fun playing. But look at the schedule,  it's 7:30pm, and that means it's time to get ready for bed.
-  Remember not to be so rigid that you become frustrated or upset when the schedule is thrown off. Do your best to keep it simple and stay positive.
- Find a schedule that works for you and stick to it- soon enough it will become natural.

Markham, Dr. Laura, (2015). 7 Benefits of Routines,

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Board Games for 3 Year Olds

Itsy Bitsy Fun came up with 10 fun board games for your 3 year olds!

Here's the list:
1. Candy Land
2. Hi Ho Cherry-O
3. Count Your Chickens
4. Chutes & Ladders
5. Go Fish!
6. Snail's Pace Race
7. Spot It Alphabet
8. Feed the Woozle
9. The Sneaky, Snacky Squirell
10. Snug as a Bug in a Rug

For more information on the games, click here.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Re-usable Mint Tins

These are perfect to keep in your purse for when your kid needs a little distraction. Here are some ideas to recycle your mint tin. 

Mouse House Playset

 Mini Kitchen Set

On the Go Chalkboard/Doodle Kit

 Lego Set

Princess Pea Playset

Tic Tac Toe

Succulent Mini Garden 

Magnetic Fishing Set

Visit Mommo Design for more information regarding these fun crafts!

Monday, March 2, 2015

5 Sight Apps for Kids

Thanks to Krista at While He Was Napping, we've got 5 sight apps that can help your kids to read. 

For the full article, click here

Cooking With My Little Ones

by guest blogger-- Stacey Starley

I sit writing this, giggling to myself at our fun adventures this week.  Andrew and Abigail assisted me in many cooking projects.  We made homemade rolls, roasted chickpeas for a snack, and chocolate dipped pretzels for a dessert. 

Each day was eye opening at just how much my kids like to help me.  I will be honest, that old adage about food being the key to a man's heart was certainly true for my Andrew.  I was number one love up until he turned one and stopped nursing.  Dad became his true number one.  When I made these rolls though, wow!  He couldn't get enough of mom time and mostly her rolls.  Melt my heart.

 For the rolls it was mostly dumping ingredients into my stand mixer and brushing melted butter onto the dough before we rolled it.

When we shucked the chickpeas/garbanzo beans mass giggling erupted.  Truly it was simply washing a can of beans and then wiping the covering off before putting in a bowl of seasonings and then laying them on a cookie sheet.  But Andrew, 22 months, was determined to be like his big sister and mom, and be a sous chef in the making.

Pretzels were simply dipped into a tall cup of melted caramel, chocolate and toppings sprinkled on top.

What fun cooking experiences have you shared with your kiddos?

This week we will surely be having fun with Dr. Seuss!  Check out the local libraries, there is usually a party happening!  Happy Literacy and Cooking! 

Roll recipe courtesy of

Crescent Rolls
Yield 3 dozen

2 C warm water
2 Tbs active dry yeast
1/2 C sugar
1/2 C butter, at room temp
2 tsp salt
2/3 C nonfat dry milk
5-6 C flour
1 large egg
1/2 melted butter

1. Chef: Adjust water to a temp of warm, not hot.
2. Little Sous Chef: Add water and yeast to the bowl of a stand mixer.
3. Chef: Let it stand 5 min.
4. LSC: Add sugar, salt, dry milk, and TWO cups flour.
5. Chef: add butter
6. LSC: Tap egg on counter top to crack open.
7. Chef: add egg to bowl and discard shell.
8. Chef: Turn on mixer to low and beat until smooth (about 30 seconds or less).
9. LSC: Add more flour, one cup at a time, until soft dough is formed.  (Dough should not stick to the sides of the bowl and should be soft but not sticky).
10.  Chef: knead dough with bread hook, in the mixer for 3 min.  Dough should be smooth.
11. Chef: place dough in a large greases bowl, cover with towel and allow to rise until double in size.
12. Chef: preheat oven to 350 degrees
13. Chef: divide the dough in thirds with knife.  Roll each third with rolling pin into a circle 1/4" thick.
14.  LSC/C: using a pastry brush, brush melted butter on the circle of dough.
15. Chef: using a pizza cutter, slice dough evenly into 12 triangles.
16.  Chef: roll up the triangles starting at the long end and ending at the pointy tip.  Tuck the tip under and place on a greases baking sheet.  Bake for 12-15 min and golden brown.
17.  Chef: remove from oven and brush with melted butter.

Friday, February 27, 2015

The School-Ready Child

Whether your child is starting at daycare, pre-school or 1st grade, these helpful tips will aid in them being ready for school! 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

DIY Rain Sticks

Thanks to, we've got this cool craft to make with the kiddos. 

Click here for the instructions

Monday, February 23, 2015

6 Simple Ways to Save on a Baby

Babies can be expensive but with some helpful tips, we can save money! gives 6 simple ways to save on a baby. 
Click here to read more. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Bath Time Tips

Thanks to Deborah Skolnik, we've got some to tricks to help you out during bath time! 

"Your child never minded bath time as a baby, and he still enjoys the pool. So why has he become a tub-resistant toddler? It probably isn't due to a fear of the water, says Denaye D. Barahona, a licensed clinical social worker and child-behavior expert in Evanston, IL.'As a baby he was content to follow the schedule you set, but now he has his own ideas of what he'd like to do. Taking a bath instead of, say, playing might not exactly be what he had in mind,' Barahona explains. It's not just about the bath. He may be resisting the start of the wind-down for bed.

Don't get in the habit of skipping baths to avoid a confrontation. Instead, tweak the timing so it doesn't interrupt the same activity each day. If you tend to give your child a bath right before bed, for instance, the two may be linked in his mind and what's he's actually resisting is the start of the wind-down. Alternate with some morning baths so tub time marks the start of a fun day rather than the end. 

Try these tips, too:

1. Give your child a heads-up five minutes before scrub-down time so he isn't surprised.

2. Run the water with the bathroom door closed, then bring him in—the faucet can be loud to little ears.

3. If your guy seems to be scared of the drain, put a few inches of water in the tub, add a small toy, then pull the stopper to demonstrate that even his little plastic boat is too big to disappear.

4. Let him watch a video on your smartphone or tablet while he bathes (just be sure to invest in a waterproof case to protect it first).

5. Act confident during the bath, and give him a big hug after so it ends on a positive note."

Photo and article courtesy of