Friday, February 6, 2015

Expanding Baby's Vocabulary

I am surrounded by counting. When I put my baby's shoes on I say, "One, two." As I grab his straps to buckle him in his car seat I say it again. This sort of happens subconsciously.
Today Andrew said, "Un, too-wuh" (one, two) as I buckled him. I was beaming with pride. We count down steps and up them. We count houses on our walks. We count cars in a row. Before I know it, he's going to be counting to one hundred and off to Kindergarten.

I am also surrounded by trains, also known as "choo-choo" at our home. Andrew wakes up asking for trains. He makes trains out of crayons at church. He lines books up on the floor and pushes them along. He's also thrilled to play with his actual train set.
Then there is our curious monkey friend. Andrew is enamored with Curious George. He loves the books, the stuffed animals, and the tv show. He asks for "ooh ooh ahh" or "duh monk". 

Communication is coming along. Not quite the same as his sister's 17 month Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and ABC recitation, but he is starting full sentences and that is beautiful!
We still correct him when he says ball or banana for orange but hey, I am just tickled he's working his vocals.

We read word books, and play games by pointing to objects and naming them. As long as I select a few words that he already knows, he can stay on task. I let him point to things and I name them too. It makes him feel empowered.

His favorite thing is playing in water and especially dumping a cup of water. He's not so concerned if that cup of water lands in the bathtub or on the floor or on his sister but dumping is the highlight. He can pronounce "bubbles" perfectly.

How do you help your little ones with words?

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