Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Mommy Joys

Ask yourself, “What can I do today to make a difference in my child's life?”
Today it was leaving a half folded basket of laundry to read books with my baby.  Our gems of literacy today were all by Matthew Van Fleet.  Tails, Dogs, Cats, Alphabet.
A side note here: my baby loves to sort laundry into piles so long as I help him to know what goes in each pile.  Laundry just became a great game!
Other times it is simply allowing my schedule to take a backseat to driving some trains on the rug, making various machine sounds with my baby miming along.

Today Andrew was feeling rather mischievous and threw his sister's favorite Ever After High Doll into the bathtub.  After I said, "No!"  sternly to my baby, he dissolved into sobs. 
I held out my arms and he ran to me and wouldn't look up until I had rocked him into security with love.  I finally was able to connect to him by playing the game  “Where is ?”
I asked him where his feet were in a whisper.  He touched his toes.  Next I asked him where his leg, belly, arm, and nose were.  Afterwards I asked him where mommy's nose was and he giggled gleefully clutching onto my nose.  Just like that it was ok.
Speaking of the Ever After High is some advice for anyone with a type A 1st grader who was refusing to read her timed sheets homework and 20 min of reading. 
Sarah loves to be read to but was truly struggling to read aloud unless it was on her time frame.  That is all nice and dandy but the acceptable mood necessary to read was becoming less and less frequent.  Rather than constantly battle with tantrums, I would let her read a sentence, paragraph, or page and then I would match it with the same until we finished our quota.  Jim Trelease has a great resource called the Read Aloud Handbook to find books appropriate for many age levels.

I also volunteered to read with my daughter's reading group at the school once a week and brought in seasonal books from home (approved by the teacher of course) to keep it exciting.  We discovered all 1st graders were astounded with pop up books.
As I worked with these kids I helped coordinate a writing experiment.  I brought in a basket of things and let each child select 3 things.  Next I asked them to make up a story using the 3 items.  I recorded it on my voice recordings in my phone and later transcribed them.  A dear friend also translated them to Spanish so all the families could enjoy the stories.  I had each student illustrate a picture to coordinate with their story.  We sent them to a self-publishing house and Voila! 
Every one of these students is now a published author!  I can't tell you the pride and confidence these kids have accrued through this process.  We have coordinated these books with a school wide young author fair and author visit writing workshop and literacy night.
This also worked beautifully with my 4 year old.  Her imaginative narrative with sea shells far exceeded the tales of the 1st graders.  Try it out!
How does this come back to Ever After High dolls?  Well I had previously attempted reading small chapter books to my Sarah but she would never really pay attention until Christmas.  I purchased all four Ever After High Books and several dolls and wrapped them for my daughter.  We have now read through an entire novel with all her sisters and have started on a second.  My daughter has tripled her reading requirement for the term and is bubbling to write a book report on this novel.

My advice: Be involved with your child's education.  Meet them at where ever they are and unlock the magic that comes with knowledge!  Start today and know you are enough to embolden, enrich, and radiate love and forgiveness for your child, so Shine On Mom!


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Halloween Party at Playgroup