Thursday, June 26, 2014


This post was written by one of our guest bloggers, Stacey Starley, all information and photo credit goes to her.

Sometimes as a Mom all other responsibilities/plans fall by the wayside, and simply, surviving the day-to-day necessities takes over.  
I feel like, February is the beginning of our family cold and flu season and runs until May.  With 4 kiddos, all under the age of eight, running around here it can be a monumental task attending to their care, doctor visits, medicine dosing, and laundering.  
Each of my kids has unique reactions to medicines, soaps, or foods.  Trying to remember which kids can have Tylenol vs Motrin, Penicillin vs Clindamyacin or's daunting when I am sleep deprived.  So I keep a list of which drugs each child/husband needs to avoid in my medicine cabinet to keep me straight in the middle of the night.  
Of course, my baby is throwing us for a loop with his hives.  He has reacted to each and everyone of these the sun, and all foods.  He's also not reacted on the second testing, just to keep it interesting.  Mostly it's superficial (meaning it manifests as a rash not interfering with his breathing) and he may grow out of it.

Some reactions are simply due to sensitive skin and whenever he gets overheated from the sun or from a fever he rashes out.  Mostly we lather him in baby lotion for excema and Claritin doses (selected by his pediatrician) to keep his histamine levels normal.  We have had better success with the children's Claritin than Benadryl.  
Poor baby.  He is beautiful and happy even when he is itchy and uncomfortable.  

Bathing him in soap less water is soothing as well as fresh air walks or rocking him in my arms while sitting in a swing.  I can't stress enough what a blessing it is to discuss his reactions with our doctor and receive advice and affirmation in our treatment as well as managing my expectations/fears for the future. Usually, I leave with a sigh of relief and peace.