Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What is Welcome Baby?

Welcome Baby is a home visitation program that is designed to promote a healthy, secure and enjoyable beginning for parents, new babies and their family members. Parents sign up to have a visitor come into their homes once a month and teach them about their child's development, activities to encourage proper development, and resources in the community that can help with the parenthood transition. We also provide playgroups throughout Northern Utah.

Volunteers Needed

Welcome Baby is a home visitation program sponsored by United Way of Northern Utah.  We train volunteers to visit new parents in our community. During their visit the volunteer shares a free gift donated by our community, a “Keeping Your Baby Healthy” guide and additional community information.  A commitment of at least six months is asked of our volunteers.  We also ask that volunteers attend at least one In-service training per quarter year.  In-service is a great way for volunteers to enhance their home-visitation experience and the information they can bring to families.

We look for volunteers that have experience working with children and families especially experienced mothers, grandmothers, and couples.  We also recruit students with some education in related field.

Become a Welcome Baby volunteer home visitor and enjoy the fulfillment of strengthening families in your community. Have fun interacting with parents and their new babies, bringing new information and activities while sharing insights from your personal experience. You can make a difference in the lives of families in Northern Utah!

To volunteer, call United Way of Northern Utah at 801-399-5584.